Getting a dog | Teen Ink

Getting a dog

May 22, 2019
By Anonymous

My dad has always wanted a dog. When I found out we were getting a dog, I coaxed my brother into feeding the cats, so I could feed the dog. I said things like “It’s so much easier.” and “You only have to feed them like once a week.”  When we arrived to look at the dogs, we stepped over a gate and into a room full of German Shepherds. All the dogs had different colored collars so you could tell them apart. Only one was a girl. She was whiney and was chewing on my dad’s shoelaces. As we looked around, we saw one sleeping under a desk with a yellow collar. My parents made the decision to get him because he was much calmer. When I saw his parents, they were HUGE! But It could have been that I was small. My dad named him Bronson and he is now part of the family.

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