Accidental Influences | Teen Ink

Accidental Influences

May 22, 2019
By DylanK1 BRONZE, Akkaakakak, Please Select
DylanK1 BRONZE, Akkaakakak, Please Select
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Accidental influences are all over the place and is happening every day without you even knowing. Before I did this writing I didnt know how big these accidental influences effect you in your everyday life. A big accidental influence I realised through this peice is my friend gabe who is a sophmore that also plays on the lacrosse team. Everyday after practice we would wait for one of our parents to come pick us up because we car pooled before he could drive. We would take and he would talk about different things that he thought was dumb and didn’t do and how he didn’t hang out with certain types of people. Without even realising it I started to think the same things as him and do a lot of the things he does and I didnt notice it until this peice. Another person I never realised that influences me is my dad and his work effort. My dad wasnt the best kid when he was growing up and he always got in trouble and didnt get the best grade. But just because he wasnt good at school doesnt mean hes not a hard worker and he is a hard worker. He had a good job as a aircraft mechanic at Comair but comair got bought out by a different company and they all lost their jobs. That didnt stop my dad from being able to work and found another really good job. This impacted me a lot and I never even realised, it made me want to work hard in what I do and it made me put in my everything for sports like lacrosse and soccer. Because of him it made me a very hard worker and push myself to places I didnt know I could get to. There has been a lot of other people that have accidently influenced me and I dont even know them and they dont know me. By seeing different stories of people on the news of people doing bad things and going to jail and losing their whole lifes for dumb decisions they have made. Accidental influences are very common and not many know about them but play such a big part in peoples lifes, this peice has shown me how much accidental influnences have effected my life and will continue to effect it.

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