My Accidental Influences | Teen Ink

My Accidental Influences

May 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Everyone you encounter has an influence on you. This is the same for me since my friends, family, and random people I encounter, all have an impact on who I am. This article is to go over the effect family, friends, and people I’ve encountered have had on me in recent years.

My family has had the biggest role in my life. My parents have been guiding me throughout my life to make me into a good and responsible individual. While I’ve needed a bit of help in the current years, they have still been there to help me do what is right. My brother has also been a major influence in my life since he has helped me learn and assisted me when I struggled with something. My grandparents have been an important part of my life as well because of all the things they have taught me over the years.

Outside of family, my friends have impacted the person I am. One friend who is has been a major part of my life is a guy named Nathan. Nathan has been my friend for six years and has left a lot of good memories and moments that have affected who I am. Another friend I have known for six years is Eli. He and I were part of the same friend group a few years ago, and while that group has separated over the year he and I have still stayed friends. Some of the other friends that have impacted me are from band. These people have helped me get better at my hobby and have helped me learn other things as well. Over all, friends play a major role in your life and help make you who you are.

While you might not think about it, strangers you meet can cause a change in who you are. An example that I have is that a person I met in middle school was a bad example and it showed me how not to act toward others.

To summarize, I have identified that my friends, family, and certain strangers have all had an effect on who I am as a person. Throughout your life you will encounter people who will impact you, which is why you should think about who will have a positive or negative influence.

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