Open Letter to Cheerleading | Teen Ink

Open Letter to Cheerleading

May 21, 2019
By cassidycole111 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
cassidycole111 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear cheerleading,

I still remember being an 8 year old girl, looking up at my mother and asking her to be a cheerleader.

Of course, she was thrilled.

Maybe I could follow in her footsteps.

As the years went by,

Cheerleading got more and more competitive.

With that, I took a break.

A long break.

Until sixth grade, when I met some of my best friends.

Cheering at each and every game with the people who I called my “second family.”

Through middle school, and on to high school.

Now, standing under the “Friday Night Lights”

Is the best feeling.

Looking up into the crowd, knowing hundreds of people can see you,

Standing on the windy track, doing what you love.

I wouldn't trade that feeling for any other sport.

The feeling of constantly being the “leader”

Watching how I represent myself, and my school.

100% effort, all of the time.

Thank you for all of the eventful years, with more to come.

The author's comments:

I have been a cheerleader for several years, so this piece describes the importance of cheerleading and my experiences. 

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