My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

May 20, 2019
By asealund BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
asealund BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve been playing softball since kindergarten, 11 years. Although I’m not that good, it’s kept me going through all these years. It’s something I can rely on to make me happy always. It’s not just the sport that’s so great either, it’s the fact that you get to meet so many new people while playing. You get to experience something new every single time, with old friends, and new ones. Two years ago, on July 10th, softball introduced me to more than just a new friend. I met my best friend on this day and she’s become someone very important in my life since then. Her name is Ana, and she has been there for me through every up and down so far, and I know she will continue to be from here on out.

Throughout middle school, I had trouble not making, but keeping friends. I tended to lose them frequently, and they’d either end in fights or we’d slowly drift apart. I wasn’t sure if it was my fault, and I figured it was how it was going to be from then on. However, the realization started to get to me. As high school rounded the corner, I noticed myself changing and I wasn’t necessarily the same as I was before. I searched for help, and didn’t get the help I needed over a year later because I was afraid to open up. After becoming friends with Ana, I slowly opened up over time, and gradually became more trusting. She helped me reach out for the help I needed and I’ve been getting better over time. She has been there for me since the day we met, and has been a better friend than I could ever be in return. She always finds a way to keep her calm when I’m freaking out, and manages to calm me down as well. It’s an amazing feeling to have someone have your back, and it’s a feeling I’ve missed dearly the past years. Now I’ve found my new happy, and have gone on more adventures than ever before. It’s a relief to have someone there for you, someone who makes you happy. We’ll both continue to be friends (and play softball) for as long as we can, and I’ll never forget how much she has changed my life.

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