Improvement | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By The_Mexican_58 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
The_Mexican_58 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that if you want something bad enough and are willing to put enough hard work you will get the results you want. Over my life time I’ve grown into bad habits and because of this I think I need to improve myself constantly and I need to work at improving myself every single day. I try to constantly think how can I get better and what is the best choice that I can make to try to become a better person.
One bad habit I grew into was lying. I use to be a compulsive liar and even when I didn’t lie I bent the truth. I lied about things that didn’t even matter but I did this because it gave me a sense of security and I thought I was writing my own life. In a small way I was but I knew it was horrible and I needed to stop and from that point on everytime I caught myself trying to lie I immediately stop because I know that it’s not right and if I start it becomes very hard for me to stop. I’m always being cautious of what I say so I don’t grow into the same bad habit.
Another bad habit I got into was being a completely different person to different people. I would be really nice to a group of people then be a completely different person with other people. I would do this and think that nothing bad would happen but it was hard to keep track of how I acted with some and how I acted with others. I put myself under unnecessary stress and as a result of that I would get mad and I would be mad and it would come off at my house and I would be a total jerk with my family. This was also the time where I was lying so my life was a jumbled mess and once I realized this I worked hard not to lie and just be myself around people. All throughout my life I have faced many trials and I’ve wanted to change multiple times and I’ve got through them with hard work and dedication.

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