Christmas Past | Teen Ink

Christmas Past

May 2, 2019
By ChloDale BRONZE, Nebo, Illinois
ChloDale BRONZE, Nebo, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You did not hear Santa last night, Chloe.”

“No mom, you don’t understand. I heard him.”

“You’re going insane child.”

“Well then how do you explain the whole house shaking as he landed his sleigh on the roof, and the footsteps I heard going from one end of the living room to the other, and the delighted noises he made as if he was eating the chocolate chip cookies we left for him, and the sound of gulping washing down the treats with the warm milk we set out?”  

“Honey, are you OK?”

“Mom, just listen. What about the jingle and jangle of the bells on his bag as he was digging out the presents made just for us, and the loud crash and bang as he started his way up the chimney, and the stomping as if a stampede was on top of our house.  That had to have been the reindeer.”

“Chloe, I assure you there was none of that occurring last night.  Today is Christmas Eve.  We will set out the cookies and milk tonight and listen for the sleigh bells.  You must have been dreaming.”

“Well Santa must have came early this year because how do you explain that when I looked out the window I saw his sleigh and the nine little reindeer flying away and heard a loud, jolly voice sing out ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night’.”

The author's comments:

In our creative writing class we got the chance to write about our Christmas past, present and future.  The piece that I've uploaded here is my Christmas past.  I had a special sentiment for this piece since I got to include the words of my mother.

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