Poverty | Teen Ink


April 15, 2019
By Anonymous

In Albania there are many people and kids that don’t deserve to be treated so violent. We have seen on TV that many people have died because of the cold. Can you imagine how those people survive? One day I was with my mom in the car and there was a lot of traffic. A little boy around the age of 10 went to the window of the car that was in front of us and started washing the passenger side window to get some money. The man who was inside the car got very angry and got out of his car. He started screaming, pushing, and throwing the boy to the ground. The boy started crying so much since he got hurt, and on the other hand, his head was getting smashed to the ground.

The boy was covered in blood and he could barely move. There were many people, but no one was helping, not a single person. Me and my mom got out of the car and helped him. I went to get some water for him so that he could feel better. A lady saw us helping him and she started shouting:

“Don’t help him, he doesn’t deserve to be helped!”

My mom  turned to everyone that was watching and started screaming to everyone:

“What's wrong with you? He is just a kid, are you serious?”  

What the man did was so wrong because before we do something every time we have to think first. When the man saw him bleeding, he went inside of his car as fast as he could and drove away.

The thing that hurt  me the most was when his mom came. I thought that, as every mom would be, she was going to get scared of what had happened and get worried about her kid. The boy’s mom was in the other side of the street and she came there to see what happened.  She was holding a baby on her arms and just torturing the baby there in that sunny day. The baby was crying so hard because she was thirsty. She started screaming to the little baby saying, “Shut up, you’re driving me crazy.” She was treating the baby so badly and not how a usual mother would treat her own child. When she saw her kid covered in blood all she said was,

“Stop complaining and start working because you didn’t earn any money today.”

When we heard her say that my mom and I were so shocked. I couldn’t leave without saying something so I told her,

“Are you serious? You’re watching your own kid covered in blood and this is what you do and say? You don’t deserve to be a mom. You don’t even deserve to be free. How dare you say something like that to a kid, especially your own?”

She turned to me and she told me, “It’s none of your business so shut up.”

I don't care what she was saying because I felt so bad for that little kid and I was trying to make him feel better.

Everyone in this world deserves to be treated equally. Money is not everything, today we can have money tomorrow we don’t, money comes and goes but love doesn’t. We need to love and support each other no matter what happens in our lives. I also think that we should not take responsibilities for example to make children when you don’t have a house, a job etc, because they can destroy their lives.

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