Hidden Feelings | Teen Ink

Hidden Feelings

April 3, 2019
By Anonymous

I'm not entirely sure why, but I notice I often hide my true feelings from many people. This only results in pain. I have anxiety and borderline depression and am trying to get through it the best that I can. I don't tell my parents how I feel about a lot of things, such as a crush on a boy, the pain they might cause me, or how I feel about myself. I don't quite know why I do this, but it is just something that I naturally do without thinking. Maybe I'm embarrassed, maybe I'm scared. But I know it causes me more pain than I want to deal with. They know about my anxiety, but I'm not ready to tell them how I often feel sad, hopeless, worthless, or like a failure-even if it is irrational and false. I never tell them the way I feel about my size, complexion, friends, enemies, et cetera. It only makes me feel worse. I don't tell my friends when they've made me upset and hurt me. I am worried it will only make a dent in our friendship-maybe even a crater. I constantly hide my thoughts and feelings from others. Pain doesn't have to be hidden, but I do it anyway. This costs me so much in terms of my physical, emotional, and even mental health. Trust me, be better than me and do not be afraid to let go of those irrational feelings of judgement or fear. If you tell someone how you feel about the way you are being treated or how your life is in need of improvement, they might be able to help you and make you feel whole again. Don't withhold. It only makes things worse. Thank you for reading! :)

The author's comments:

The past few months have been incredibly painful. I just need to let loose, and I think for those of you in emotional pain, that might be good for you too.

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