The love we choose | Teen Ink

The love we choose

March 20, 2019
thegirlwithafacade26 BRONZE, Kota, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We accept the love we think we deserve

I LOVE YOU are the three words considered the most powerful three words as they have the power to make you or break you but did we ever actually try to understand what is the force that makes them so powerful? Some people say that they love you but love has infinite perspectives. A person may shout on you and call it love, may hit you and call it his love and may even kill you and call it his love. Because love for one person may not be love for other. The love we choose is actually the love we think we deserve. Sometimes you just want somebody to love you and you want to love them back then why do we need commitments or promises isnt the present enough or are we looking for people to burden with our problems in the name of a life partner. Are we really looking for a soulmate or are we all just scared to be lonely?

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