Voices of LBHS | Teen Ink

Voices of LBHS

February 26, 2019
By Anonymous

I was born to have a good behaviour. I never thought I would’ve been here tutoring these kids. “Is that an apple for a.” said Valentino. One of the kids I tutor. “Yes it is” I said. Valentino is a smart boy, when he smiles it reaches to his ears. He always wears this ninja turtle jacket, it makes him look so cute. I tutored kindergartners and 1st graders. I remember Valentino and Bradynn (another kid that tutor) came in through the door wearing the same ninja turtle jacket. Valentino was Michelangelo and Bradynn was Raphael. I mainly had to tutor both of them. I got to know Bradynn more often. I tutored them for 9 months and throught out that time I got paid each month. I remembered on my birthday I wanted to go visit them. So I ended up asking my teacher (the teacher that made me get into the Coca Cola Youth Program) and she ended up letting me go and I had an amazing day with the kids.

The author's comments:

This was actually in 8th grade

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