Voices of LBHS | Teen Ink

Voices of LBHS

February 26, 2019
By Anonymous

I was so nervous to introduce myself to my spanish class. I thought to myself what are they going to think about me. My teacher said “Presentese a la clase.” (introduce yourself to the class). So i began to speak in spanish saying that my name is Yanira Arline Marquez Rodriguez, that the most important thing is my family, I love pizza, I want to go to college and travel around the world. My hands were red like an apple. I was literally shaking that I had to put the poster on the white board. I think the students noticed that but when I was done I felt good. People clapped for me and I felt proud of myself. After school was over my mom picked me up in her gold durango car. In the car it smelled like fruits. She said “Que tal tu dia.” (how was your day). “Estuvo bien.” (it was good).

The author's comments:

I'm a hispanic girl and I'm 14

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