Vocies of LBHS | Teen Ink

Vocies of LBHS

February 25, 2019
By Anonymous

Long time ago i had a friend and he lived right next door.One day i looked in his house because i knocked on the door for him to come play outside.And when he open the door it was very messy.He lived with his mom and his sister.His mom yelled at his sister because she wanted something that was very expensive but his mom said she didn’t have enough money to get what she wanted.So my friend gets his shoes on and closes the door behind him.Then, my friend and i went to the park to play basketball the after an exhausting  game of basketball the street light came on then we went home.And while we were on our way back to the neighborhood telling me how his mom was struggling to pay rent and that she was looking for stuff to sell that’s why the house was so messy.Then we went separate ways to go home yelled see you tomorrow he said okay.

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