Super Bowl Traditions | Teen Ink

Super Bowl Traditions

February 12, 2019
By ppritch BRONZE, Fletcher, North Carolina
ppritch BRONZE, Fletcher, North Carolina
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Superbowl traditions are like none other. Some people get really into the game while others just like the commercials. There are the people who come and bring tons of food and others who say they will but bring nothing. Sometimes over the course of the game, hundreds of dollars will get exchanged in bets such as coin toss quarter scores and most importantly the final score and the team that wins. You may not be an NFL fan or even a sports fan, but what everyone enjoys is coming together to watch one of America’s past times.

As for my family, we all go to the same place every year. One of our good friends always hosts the Superbowl party and he invites about 7 or 8 other families every year. Everyone chips in and brings one or two dishes/snacks, so we always end up with leftovers to take home. Here's what you can usually count on. 

1.Good food. Almost every family brings or cooks good food. One of my favorite foods are these little sausage rolls that are absolutely unreal. They melt in your mouth and are a little spicy.

2. During the halftime show, a lot of the younger kids will just go absolutely crazy and dance.

3. There is almost always gonna be that one kid who is always asking his parents for more money to bet with. Every time though, the parents say no.

The family that hosts has never won anything besides this year. It was always a little joke that there was no point for them to bet since they had never won. Sometimes my friends and I will pool our money and bet together so if one of us wins we all win. Sometimes even though the game may be out of reach we might be really into it because of what a single missed extra point may lead to in terms of betting. My family is more of a college football family, so we don’t really care who wins the game. We are more there to just hang out with our friends and enjoy some good food. Our family and many others really just enjoy an excuse to get together with friends and hang out.

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