Basketball | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By Jack_sully777 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Jack_sully777 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I kid I like to stay active in many different types of ways. Sometimes I do exercise, play a game with my brothers, or even just stretch, but the most important way to stay fit in my opinion is playing sports. I play a sport every season and have practice two to three times a week for each one. I play many different sports including baseball, swimming, and basketball. I am in many other extracurricular activities, but sports are my favorite my far. People say that the most important thing for a young child is team sports. They believe it teaches them comradery and gives them exercise.

 Of the three sports I play, basketball is my favorite. I started playing basketball when I was eight and loved it since the first day I touched the ball. I played rec. I thought that I should really challenge myself and tried out for my high school basketball team. I was the smallest kid there and not the most athletic. I went and played my best and now I play for my high school. I don’t get much playing time, but I still enjoy playing. When I was in middle school I played for my school and was the starting point guard. I played the whole game and scored almost every game. The transition from middle to high school is very big because I went from the star to the water boy, but this is a sport that I love so much that I don’t need to play. Just being around it makes me happy. I still cheer on my teammates and am always giving them high fives and patting them on the back when they make a mistake as they do the same to me.

It is not just playing the game and being around the game, but also it is my favorite sport to watch. I love cheering for my team and when it comes down to the last second. The energy of the crowd and the players just makes me so happy. I have only been to one game in my life and it was the greatest experience ever. The feeling you have as you are watching is an amazing feeling.

 Basketball is a very key part of my life and I hope to one day pursue it. Even if pursuing it means coaching a team or being and waterbody, I still love to be around the game no matter what. I have no idea where I would be if I didn’t have basketball in my life. It teaches me many different skills in life including sportsmanship, graciousness, and poise. Basketball isn’t just a sport, but also teaches me many different things.

The author's comments:

Basktball is a very key part of my life.

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