Decorating Lockers | Teen Ink

Decorating Lockers

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

On January 16, 2019 birthday signs were put up on lockers to celebrate. Some teachers and students might think it is distracting for the people in the halls. Many students tear down some of the paper and that makes the one who had the locker mad that it got ruined which can cause unneeded drama. Adding to being unneeded ballons don’t have a place on the lockers. Almost every time they get knocked down and float in the hallways. This, however, is very distracting for students and teachers alike. For this to not happen students should just use paper and stay away from big objects. Also if somebody's friend's locker gets decorated and theirs don't it can cause an argument that is distracting in a school environment. Others just decorate lockers to show friendship or for just the fun of it. Overall decorating lockers doesn’t really matter to teachers or students as long as it doesn't get ruined and distracting.

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