The Prince | Teen Ink

The Prince

January 17, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time in far away land called Arendelle lived a Prince named Eric and his mother named Jessica and the fathers name was Edward and they lived in a big palace at the top of the hill. There also had lived a village boy named Xavier and he was a very hard working boy and he would always help the people around in the village because he was such a good boy. The townspeople were packing everything and moving everything around because they had heard that there lived a vicious boy named Zane that lived at the top of the mountains and that  he could turn himself a dragon when he was mad and his name was at the top of the mountains. The people in the town were afraid because they had thought that Zane would do something evil before they all leave. The King had told Prince Eric to go down to the village and get some supplies and food so that they would be ready for when it was time to go. Prince Eric had gone to the village to seek what he needed, he had bumped into Xavier on accident knocking his stuff to the ground and as soon as they both went down to reach the materials that had fallen they both zinged and they felt this electric field that had brought them together. Prince Eric apologizes for knocking Xaviers things to the ground, Xavier than forgave him and so then Prince Eric had asked Xavier what was he doing in such a rush and Xavier had told him that he was trying to give everybody some supplies for when they would leave the village. Prince Eric had romantically gave Xavier a a compliment and so then Xavier had just walked away blushing.

The Next day Prince Eric had woken up in the middle of the night reminiscing over Xavier because Prince Eric had thought to himself that Xavier was very attractive and well organized boy. Prince Eric had stayed up all night just thinking about him and on how he thinks that they had a connection for when they met but he also thinks that why would Xavier just run off for when he gave him a compliment without saying anything. Xavier had gone to the palace because he was handing out extra materials to the people. Prince Eric had glimpsed towards his window because he seen that someone was coming and when he saw that it was Xavier he was so happy so he ran down stairs to open the doors for him. Xavier had apologized to Prince Eric for running off like he did and so he then gave him the extra materials and as soon as he turned around to go back Prince Eric had turned him around and gave him a hug. It started raining hard that evening and so then Prince Eric had let Xavier into the palace and also his parents weren't home because they had to attend to some things. Xavier had thanked Prince Eric for letting him into his palace and Eric smiled at him. Prince Eric and Xavier were chatting for quite a while that they both looked outside and it was pitch black outside an so Eric had insisted that Xavier should spend the night because he didn't want Xavier walking outside alone because of how mirk it was outside. Xavier stayed in the palace until he had woken up in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep, he had seen a dark figure in the corner of his eyes and he couldn't believe that he was face to face with Zane and he had this scary grin and so Xavier was going to scream with terror until Zane quickly grabbed Xavier and left to the mountains and all Xavier left behind was a his slippers.

Prince Eric woke up to a noise that he had heard from his room and so as soon as he got to where Xavier was sleeping all Eric could see was the slipper. He started getting scared and worried on to where Xavier gone too and so Eric ran outside to see if he could see him but he couldn't see anything because it was pitch black outside. He then screamed Xaviers name repeatedly too see if he can hear something because it was so dark. Its now noon and he still cant find Xavier so he had thought that if he would go to the village than he would get some answers on to where Xavier was and so he did, he searched and searched and he asked multiple people but nobody knows anything about Xaviers disappearance. A village man had screamed to Eric and caught his attention and so as soon as this  happened he had told Eric that he seen the dragon but he didn't say anything out loud to freak the people out, he soon had told him that he also heard a couple screams heading to the mountains as soon as Eric heard this from the mans mouth that's when Eric had given him thanks and gave him coins for the help. Eric had screamed to the guards to get all their weapons because they were going to be headed to the mountains and get Xavier back and safe. Prince eric was getting very worried at this point because he just wanted to see Xavier again, he then saw that his guards were taking a while to get everything situated that's when he said “I'll do this myself” and so Eric had gone alone to the mountains it was going to be a long journey but he just kept thinking about Xavier and so he kept going because he just wanted to see him and he wasn't going to stop until he had seen him again. Prince Eric just kept going and going until all of a sudden he had fallen and hurt his knee and his knee was dislocated and so what he did was that he just held in his cry and just placed it back in place and wrapped it around with a cloth that he had taken and as soon as he was done doing that he had gotten back up hurt but that wasn't going to stop him to getting to Xavier.

Prince Eric had then gotten to the top of the mountains to where Zane lived and as soon as he got there he had heard voices and so then Prince Eric was trying to get closer to the voices until he had tumbled around some rocks and made it noticeable that he was there, that's when he had gotten Zanes attention because he had turned his head screaming “Who goes there?” that’s when Zane had seen the top of Prince Eric head and so he had said “I see you come out whoever you are” and so Eric had gotten up from where he was and as soon as Zane seen him he was surprised to see him and that he was alone. Eric then told Zane with an mad voice “WHERE IS XAVIER I KNOW YOU HAVE HIM” that’s when Zane started laughing and said “NO!!! i will not hand you him and in case you are wondering why he's here is because he's too happy and helpful and i'm going to take it away from away from him” as soon as Prince Eric heard this come out Zanes mouth that's when he had taken matters in his own hands and so he attacked Zane and right on the first hit Zane is down.  Prince Eric then hears Xavier moaning on the ground and he's out of it and he looks bad and so then all of Princes guards had arrived to the mountains and so they then went for Zane until he rapidly got up and turned into this dragon and he had try hitting the guards until the guards then hit Zane with a weapon that knocked him out for good. Prince and his guards carefully took Xavier to the Palace and so they laid him down on the bed and then the Prince had gave Xavier a kiss and so that's when he had woken up and said “What just happened” and so the Prince replied to “I just saved your life” and so Xavier looked at the Prince and said “Thank You for everything” the Prince then said “No, Thank you” and then when that happened Prince Eric leaned in for a kiss and so Xavier then kissed him and so they Lived Happily Ever After.

                                                       THE END

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