Brawling With the Vice Principal | Teen Ink

Brawling With the Vice Principal

January 17, 2019
By jaxfeinstein BRONZE, Hollywood, Florida
jaxfeinstein BRONZE, Hollywood, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some friends and I grouped together, started gaming, and gave our laptops to the vice principal. Brawlhalla attained popularity last year and a couple of friends and I thought it would be a good idea to play it in school. Playing video games rocks, just not in school.

We were perpetrating a terrible crime that violates the rulebook at school and should never be attempted by anybody in their right mind; gaming. Why we chose to do such a malevolent thing, I do not know anymore. We could’ve done our homework, played outside, or read a book. However, we headed to the Fine Arts Building with our laptops handy.

My friends and I were all lined up against the wall, sitting on the ground playing in one server. The game is great for school, it’s free, multiplayer, and runs well on laptops. We never would have thought that any teacher would show up. We were totally in the clear for playing some Brawlhalla. Not even 5 minutes later, the vice principal crashed through the door.

The vice principal is a really tall and frightening man. He could have played basketball if he wanted to. He was really nice and always seemed to be everywhere, watching you and making sure you were on task. He collected about 20 phones a day in addition to a handful of laptops.

We must have been like deer in headlights, just staring in shock as he walked towards us. He boomed “You guys know you can’t use laptops during lunch!” and abducted our laptops out of our laps in one fell swoop. We were depressed because two of my friends and I had a history test in 10 minutes.

When we left the Fine Arts Building, one friend who didn’t bring his laptop said “This is why I don’t play games at school.” and the rest of us all yelled “SHUT UP” simultaneously. Walking to World Civ was awful. We knew we would have to make up the test later which was a big pain. When we got there we realized the test was actually scheduled for the next day. After a long, boring class where we sat in front of physical history textbooks like cavemen (Ben’s peer review suggestion).

One of the two other friends walked to Algebra 1 Honors with me. We had to sit through another class with physical textbooks which lasted as long as the Roman Empire. After the class finally ended, we went to the office because we needed our laptops early. He had lacrosse for the rest of the day before he went home, and I had robotics next period, so I needed my laptop.

When class ended, I went to the office with my friend and sure enough, the others were facing us on the opposite side of the door. We just nodded and entered the office. The vice principal was on the phone so we had to wait. After a minute or so, he signaled us to come into his office.

Clearly, his phone call was important. He just handed us the laptops without hanging up and we left. I was happy that he didn’t call my parents or give me a conduct report. The next day, Saturday, my friends and I played Brawlhalla.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece when it was assigned in a class.

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