sacramento mi casa | Teen Ink

sacramento mi casa

January 11, 2019
By pedro_the_goat BRONZE, Sacramento, California
pedro_the_goat BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My casa is my life i lived on a quiet street on a one story house the streets filed with the sound of singing birds and kids laughing in the street playing with their toys , and  quiet neighbors to the point where you might think the streets are empty, when there is sound its the sound of lovely music and people cheering for a celebration and the smell of BBQ.


But i wish all that was true...everything i just said right now it’s just what society wants us to see it’s just the better side of what they want us to see they always show the good like no homeless,no gangs,no poor,no rent,they show the good that doesn’t exist in this area in reality where i live it/s the opposite the streets are filled with kids crying from the lack of food and clean water, parents yelling at each other for the lack of money and food instead,of birds singing it’s the sound of cop sirens outside or the sound or a police helicopter instead of the kids playing with their toys it’s teens playing with guns,having parties,drinking,shootings and death,instead of the smell of bbq it’s the smell of weed and tobacco.


Im am telling this story because I want people to know what really happens in the so called “poor part” of where i live it’s not the best place in the world but its my home not the best not the safest but my home  a place where people barely make it out alive and hopefully i will too

Sacramento is a good place to stay but ima tell you if you wanna live do  not stay here!!!

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I love soccer

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