Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

January 11, 2019
By Karlababbyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Karlababbyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult- E.B. White

Sacramento,my beautiful home. I live in good ol’ downtown Sac. Where you can find nice little stores that are walking distance. Great outdoors where you can take your dogs on walks. Nice lake view where you can go on boat rides or go fishing. Places where you can go out with friends to have a good time.

Nah I’m playing. I live in Meadowview, nothing like I just described. A place where isn’t safe to walk alone after 8pm. But if you do want to go to parks, you have to watch your surroundings. But if you get unlucky and you do see something sketchy happening, mind your business. It’s crazy how I slept through a murder that took place in my street, my neighbors in front of me, Rest In Peace kiddo. Couldn’t go to school that day because we were being questioned by the ops. The things we do hear are the sirens from ambulance or cops every,once in awhile, praying to God it’s not your family.

What we do have is a lot of issues. We have many homeless people barely making it day by day. Wish we can do something about it. Many people struggle with money as well, which leads to people wanting to steal causing a lot of violence. Near my little sisters school there was a shooting, glad there wasn’t class that day. Many crazy people who go to school and shoot or hurt people because they’re having problem of their own. My mom has told me stories that her friends told her, she heard that girls are being kidnapped and nobody is talking about it.

But nobody from other places think about how we actually live. They think we’re living in a fantasy. Open your eyes and really see how we’re struggling. I thank God to be able to be safe and have a sturdy roof over my head because not everybody in Sac has a stable one.

The author's comments:

Sad side of my city.

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