I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

December 17, 2018
By shannenbrooks BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
shannenbrooks BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in weekends. Two days, two words, and fourteen letters. Weekends are filled with endless destinations and endless possibilities. All you have to do is take a chance and go for it. After long drawn out weekdays, weekends give you freedom to be the greatest version of yourself. Having a rough week? You get to forget about it on the weekend. Have homework Friday night? You have two days to do it! Missing the weekend? It's not too far out of reach. I believe the weekend is not always a time for resting. The weekend is a time for magic and madness that will change you instantly overnight.

I believe the weekend allows you to live two different lives, or even as many as you want to. Finally a blank slate to forget about what was inflicted on you during the week. The weekend allows you to strip from your responsibilities and slip into the you that is more exciting. Time to put down the coffee and pick up a red bull because here come the all nighters. It is finally time to press pause on whatever was going on, even though you didn't know anyways. I believe weekends allow you to become worry free. You are introduced to forty eight hours of no responsibility. Weekends become the recipe that answers every single problem that came your way during the week.

I believe weekends don't really last two days. What you do in those forty eight hours can stick with you forever. Whether its meeting the love of your life or falling too hard that you get injured, it is likely that you won't forget about it. If you just so happen to have an exotic vacation planned for the weekend, two days will start to feel like two hours. One minute you are sitting on the beach in California and the next you are back at your desk, as if you never left. The memories, however, will continuously replay in your mind until saturday comes back around.Time really does fly when you are having fun, which is why every minute counts when Friday ends.  In the unfortunate circumstance that you have to do some kind of school work over the weekend, two days will feel like twenty. It is almost as if time is working against you and you seem to want nothing more than the weekdays. Those days don't count as weekends.

I believe in weekends that blast music from two thousand thirteen. Music that brings back memories from your fifth grade dance and make you forget how old you really are. Suddenly nothing matters and your dignity flies out the window. We live for the moments that bring you toe to toe with your best friend who you rarely see on the weekdays. Dancing becomes your profession with no time limit, because it is the weekend. Weekends that never make you feel alone are the ones that count the most. I believe weekends are the mirrors that we need to look a little closer in one in awhile. Because once everything is put into focus, life becomes a thousand times better. You are in control of every decision you make the moment the clock strikes midnight on Friday. No obligations, just reflections. Weekends take you where you never go and show you what you never see. They allow you to see a sun that only sets if you let it. A rush that simply cannot be felt on an ordinary weekday.

I believe in weekends that make a bad mood on Monday totally worth it. The “I’ll worry about the consequences later” weekends. The weekends that you would do anything to go back to. The weekends that will make you count down to next Friday night. Weekends become your first love that you always run back to no matter how many times they break your heart. Nothing will ever replace the feeling of a successful weekend until you meet someone who makes everyday feel like the weekend. So whether you are in the middle of the week or in the middle of the weekend, you can always be sure that the weekend is only a couple days away.

The author's comments:

This piece represents something that I am truly passionate about.

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