When I Got Robbed | Teen Ink

When I Got Robbed

December 14, 2018
By enjoytay BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
enjoytay BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the day i had gotten robbed. Its was dark and and very gloomy night. i was arguring with my parents over some dumb things and i walk away from home and i was real far away. bout time i left was like at 1.00 am. so i stay outside for an long time till i was ready. soon as i was walking back home some pull up on me and adn came out the car. they pull an gun on me and said gimme them all the money. they point the gun on my head. then i sadi i didnt have nothing. then they said u got something and they give them my shoes .the shoes i had on is very expensive. so i just gave them to them and i yall some bums and gave them my shoes. then i walk already and when to my bedroom. and my mama ask what happen to your shoes. and i told i got robbed.

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