My View on Humans | Teen Ink

My View on Humans

December 12, 2018
By Anonymous

My relationship with other humans is … weird. I am what you would call socially awkward, I can barely hold a conversation, I don’t know a lot of society’s norms and expectations. Yet despite all this I am captivated by humanity in general.

So often I find other people annoying for one small thing or another. And I can’t ignore the many horrific things that we have done to not only each other, but to the whole Earth and its many inhabitants as well. Humans are likely the species that has caused the most damage in the history of our planet, and we don’t seem to be learning any lessons. But in the end, I keep making excuses for humans, keep seeing the good inside them. I can’t help but to watch other people, learn how we work as a species, and on an individual level. Whenever I’m not around people I feel a strange emptiness. Humans are one of the most destructive, yet beautiful things in existence.

So yeah … That was a small look into my mind.

The author's comments:

Please take note that I did not go back and reread, or edit/revise this piece, in order to prevent myself from censoring my own thoughts. Thus I apologize if their is any major grammatical or organizational errors.

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