The Letter of Judgement | Teen Ink

The Letter of Judgement

December 5, 2018
By awhite793 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
awhite793 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In The Scarlet Letter, Hester commits the crime of adultery and wears a scarlet “a” on her clothes. This scarlet “a” reminds everyone in the town if the crime she committed. For my scarlet letter, I chose a letter “a” to represent my virtue of ambition. I choose ambition because that is one trait that I feel that I possess. I am a very hard working person, and the majority of the time I will always go the extra step just to make sure the job is done. I take pride in this virtue, and I feel that it is a very important thing that people should work on having. I also play sports and having the drive of working hard is very helpful for myself and my coaches as well. Having this ambition has helped with my success in sports as well. Because coaches look for a player that is willing to put in the hard work and time, and that is something that I possess. Altogether, I feel that the virtue of ambition suits me well because of all the hard work, time, and effort I put into the things I love.

Throughout The Scarlet Letter, the people continuously see Hester’s “a” as the crime of adultery, and that was Hester’s vice. For my vice, I chose anxious because I struggle with anxiety. I do not suffer severely from anxiety; it is just something that I struggle with because I am known to cause more stress on myself. It is also a downfall of being such an ambitious person, because the majority of the time I am striving for the best I can be and that sometimes makes me overthink things. Overall, I feel that the vice of anxious suits me well because I am known to cause myself more stress over the smallest things.

I also decided to wear my scarlet letter for a day at school. I was quite nervous about what people were going to think of my choice of adjectives to describe myself. But once I arrived at school, I got smiles and some even said that it was pretty cool and brave that I wore it to school. I asked my friends if my adjectives described me correctly, and they all agreed that I am a very hard working person that sometimes causes herself more stress than necessary. Overall, I enjoyed this project, and I am very glad that I decided to own up to my scarlet despite what others may have thought of it.

The author's comments:

This was a school project where we had to create two adjectives that describe ourselves. One adjective had to be something that we like about ourselves, and the other adjective was a "flaw" that we have. I chose ambitious and anxious for my two adjectives.

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