Peaches | Teen Ink


November 29, 2018
By Jear_Bear215 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Jear_Bear215 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cats are weird aren’t they. They want attention but don’t really want to show it. They want to play but do it secretly. Most cats act as if there kings or queens, but my cat Peaches doesn’t. When Peaches was younger and had her claws, she would climb up our pant legs and crawl into our laps and it would hurt our legs from her claws digging in.

Peaches is a calico cat who is 5 years old now, but she is still as playful like a kitten. When she wants to play, she will play with something near you, so you know to play with her. She and I sleep together, and she licks my blankets. She is my kitty. Peaches is a pretty kitty who I cherish very deeply, but sometimes she attacks me at times and its weird. I’ll be sitting on the couch playing videogames and Peaches will just run up and hit me with her little tiny cat paw. Other times when I’m laying on the floor and I look at her and she will run up to me and start biting my fingers.
Even though she is our family cat, she is mostly mine. She gets along with our other animals: Winter, Belle, Mocha, and Angel. Her and my other cat, Angel will fight/play and its funny to watch them. The time that she came home she made herself comfortable. She is a great addition to our family.

When Peaches was a tiny kitten got, she had fleas. It took us along time to get them out of her, because she didn’t like the water. When we were washing her in the sink she looked like a little rat. She would also claw us when she didn’t like the water. When we finally got the fleas off her, she was locked into the laundry room, so she would know where the litter box was. She meowed all night. Her high pitch meow was irritating to me when I was trying to sleep.

Peaches is now all grown up and she’s way more mature, but she still has that kitten attitude when she runs all over the place. She crashes into things and jumps on windows. Then she dashes off the windows to another area. When she runs and jumps onto things, she makes this cute humming noise. She doesn’t like to get picked up so when we do, she will meow. She got her front claws taken out when she was able to, so she wouldn’t claw at everything. But she still tries to claw things. When she’s mad, she tries to claw people with her hind feet. I hope everyone can have a cat as cute and nice as Peaches.

The author's comments:

This peice is about how much i love my cat Peaches. Luv u BB Gurl -_-

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