Little in a Big World | Teen Ink

Little in a Big World

November 29, 2018
By Anonymous

Standing in the crowd of 70,000 people, I was just a number. Being in the sun for so long made my eyes squint and my skin burn, but I was filled with happiness when I was invited inside. After a security check, a Swiss guard handed me my pass and led me to my seat quickly. The guards locked up the seating area, and the master of ceremonies announced that the Pope would make his entrance soon. Thousands of colors from countries’ flags from around the world waved in front of my eyes, and people all around were singing and clapping along to the band. Being five feet tall, I stood on my chair hoping to see the Popemobile circle around St. Peter’s Square, but security ran over and told me to quickly come down. Luckily, I was in the front row behind the sanctuary, and after what seemed to be a long time, I slowly saw the top of a bald head come up the steps. The voices around grew stronger, or maybe I could only hear myself screaming along with the band. Through the pilgrimage, I found my passion for traveling and immersing myself with the unknown while appreciating what I thought I was comfortable with, my faith life. 

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