Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

November 29, 2018
By Anonymous

A virtue is described as a behavior showing high moral standards. The virtue I chose is imaginative because I have a very wide imagination. I love to create things and put my own touch on things. I am always drawing and designing things around my house or whenever I have free time. I love to organize my things and make them look visually appealing. An example of this is that everything on my computer is color-coded and alphabetized. In addition, all the apps on my phone are alphabetized and are separated by different categories on different pages. I love to design rooms on my computer or my hand on my free time and design my dream house. I think that imaginative is a good word to describe me because I like to think outside of the box.

The opposite of a virtue is a vice, and a vice is described as an immoral or wicked personal characteristic. The vice I chose is indecisive because I can never make up my mind. This is a downfall for me because important decisions are very hard for me to make. This affects my virtue because I will hesitate on which shade of each color to choose and how the color will affect my future. For school, this affects me because, if I am not completely positive on my answer, I will take a lot of time contemplating which answer sounds the most correct or which one I think best suites the question. Indecisive is a good word to describe me because it is so difficult for me to choose my decision.

The author's comments:

I described a vice and virture about myself

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