How to be a Successful High School Student | Teen Ink

How to be a Successful High School Student

November 26, 2018
By streichl BRONZE, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
streichl BRONZE, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school makes majority of people want to quit—at some point or another—and is thought to be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. From the drama and the rumors to the difficult classes and the stress of keeping your grades up, high school wasn’t meant to be easy. However, it can be made less stressful and fun, so you don’t completely lose your marbles the second you step through those doors. There are a few tips that can make a huge difference to your high school experience and help you become more successful.


Firstly, you want to make sure you work hard, and prove to yourself that you want to do well. Ask questions if you have them so you know what you’re doing in your classes, especially the more difficult ones. Be responsible, and get your work handed in on time. Study for tests and figure out what study method works best for you. Studying can be done in many ways, whether it’s online quizzes, highlighting notes, creating flash cards, or any other method that you might use. Set goals that will help motivate you to be successful throughout high school, and never let those goals escape from you.

Secondly, you want to stay organized. Have at least one folder to keep your paper assignments in, so they don’t get crumpled or ripped. Anticipate homework for the next day and especially upcoming projects that you might be getting in your classes. Pay attention to when there will be tests and look for the due dates of big writing assignments to help better manage your time when preparing for said tests and writing assignments.

Another beneficial action you can take is to participate. Join a club that you’ve heard good things about and that interest you. Play a sport that you’ve always wanted to try but never had the opportunity to. Apply for National Honor Society, even if you might not get in. Take risks. Take the hard classes and push yourself to make extraordinary accomplishments. Dress up the silliest for Homecoming and Snowball weeks. Just make the most out of your high school career because you only have four years to make it what you want.

The most important and definitely the most critical task to complete while you’re in high school is to take care of yourself. Make sure you’re still getting enough sleep as it’s what will be keeping you going throughout the day. Drinking enough water can greatly influence your mood and efficiency at school. Eating enough is also extremely important. Never skip a meal unless it’s absolutely necessary. Eat something even if it’s simple and insignificant—like a peanut butter sandwich. You might even consider keeping granola bars or crackers in your backpack or locker. Keep a group of a few close friends that can be trusted with anything but not such a large group that you get overwhelmed. Don’t overextend yourself otherwise you end up stressed, and that can lead to bigger problems. Push yourself to just about the breaking point, and then keep yourself there. Hang out with friends and make sure you get out of the house a little bit, so you don’t go insane trying to get your school work done. Live your life and live it well. High school can be a great or terrible experience depending on how you spend it and what you do with the opportunities.

Don’t let high school overwhelm you and cause you problems. Instead, have fun. Make new friendships that could last a lifetime, and live new experiences that you can tell stories about in the future, try new activities that you don’t get to try every day, and join new clubs that include topics you love. Pick up new hobbies that can take your mind of off things that might be bothering you. You might be surprised at what you find out about yourself throughout your high school career. What you do and how you do it can change your life for the better, or even for the worse. So, choose wisely, and never give up your dreams or your goals.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to help others through a tough time and to give them tips that might help relieve stress or anxiety.

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