What I What and What I Don't Get | Teen Ink

What I What and What I Don't Get

November 17, 2018
By Kenzie768333 BRONZE, Woodruff, South Carolina
Kenzie768333 BRONZE, Woodruff, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Hangman is a great way of saying that the words you use can end someones life!

 I say I do not want a boyfriend but deep dow nI know that I do. I want the feeling of his arms around me. I want the feeling of his fingers intertwined with mine. I want the feeling of his lips on mine. I want butterflies when I am around him or even thinking about him. I want to feel loved and wanted. But I am not good enough for any of those things. I do not get that special feeling, I do not get happiness. I get hatred, lonliness, ugliness. I get a dead soul, no hope, and an empty heart.

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