Silence and Me | Teen Ink

Silence and Me

November 16, 2018
By Samayre15 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Samayre15 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.”- Elizabeth Taylor

*Inspired by Sherman Alexi Superman and me*

This story is a peculiar one. But this girl is also peculiar. She was simple, but surely not missing anything remarkable. She went to a private uniform school for the most of her life, and had rather strict parents. The combination of a controlling school and overprotective parents made the girl almost completely isolated. She never talked to her classmates, never went out to the park, never had a sleepover. She would be too embarrassed to talk, scared she might come or as annoying or weird. She felt herself become isolated from not only her peers but her family. She grew so shy and anxious she couldn’t even ask her mom what was for lunch. That peculiar girl turned out to be a even more bizzar tennager that can actually for hold a conversation, well sort of.

I grew up not knowing how to properly behave in social situations. I was so quiet that there would go weeks before a full sentence left my lips. How this exactly happens I don't know. I was around my family who were all loud and extroverted. They went to parties and danced. While I drew on napkins by myself. They always made others laughed with jokes. I couldn't even force out a smile to my teacher. In elementary I had a grad total of 3 friends. 10 years of my life was spent with a 3 friends. Those 3 friends I saw maybe once a week, because my mom never let me out of the house without her. Let alone to another person's house And Now? Now at parties I draw on napkins by myself, and eat, I eat a lot. I always knew my shyness and odd behavior was a downfall. I didn’t know how bad it would effect me till I moved to mundelein. People were so...talkative. At first I had no idea how to respond. Someone would say hi to me and I would run the other way, not figuratively. But actually ran away the second someone tries to talk to me.

 I was isolated. I was timid. I was bashful. But I was trying to break though. I felt mute. I was silent when I shouldn't have been. I muffled myself. I was scared others would think bad of me. I was permanently clammed up. I was unexpressive. I was soundless. I was hushed. I really really did try to speak up. Trust me. Others might find talking easy. They don’t know how much I force myself to say hello

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