My Journey to the American Dream | Teen Ink

My Journey to the American Dream

November 16, 2018
By Anonymous

I remember as a young little girl I would always imagine what my life would be I would be a nice recognized doctor I would help as many people as I could including my parents. I was born in Zacatecas Mexico my mom is originated from here my dad is from Jalisco. Both my parents had been married before meeting each other my mom had three kids before having me my dad on the other side had a little girl. They both came to this country with their family. After they lived here for so many years they separated from their spouses. My mom later meet my dad they were together for a year and my mom became pregnant. On April 27 a little girl was born. My mom later that year she returned the US and my dad stayed to take care of me, my mom wanted to move back to the US she got a US-born kid birth certificate to pass me through the border. When I turned one year they moved to Colorado my dad passed through the river. I grew up on living the American dream. When I was 16 it was a normal day and I went to school my parents went to work. That day went by so slow. When I got home I waited for my parents to get home my mom was the first to get home and we waited for my dad but he never got home. we called so many times. My mom and I we went to the hospitals, to the jails he was in the county jail he had a deportation order. We tried to ask why he was there they told us that our his boss had to fire him when he found out he was illegal so he called immigration.

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