FRA: History | Teen Ink

FRA: History

November 14, 2018
By Anonymous

I’m going to eat lunch with one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Flesch. He teaches U.S History at my school; I am a sophomore. Now, I’m skipping to his room because I’m excited to see him. Mr. Flesch loves to talk history with me. We talk about how soldiers fought for our freedoms. We both talk about how they gave US citizens freedom. I tell him I feel like my freedom of speech comes from a soldier’s sacrifice.

As a person, I’m lucky to be an American. I don’t fear going to jail if I want to protest. Americans have freedom. Let’s use this freedom of speech! Freedom is given. It’s from the brave souls fighting for us!   

Mr Flesch and I  talk about how the soldiers saved our freedom of speech through war.

“I am glad to live in America where we have freedom of speech,” I say. “I can say whatever we want without the government putting me in jail.” I am glad to use freedom of speech because when I speak my mind, it is a refreshing feeling. I’m not twisted up angry ball of politics and arguments, now. I am glad I can talk to Mr. Flesch about this.

“I agree. We have freedom of speech that isn’t allowed or protected in other countries,” Mr. Flesch says.  

Beep! The bell rings. It is time to go to class. Mr. Flesch prepares for class and I go to Biology.

I appreciate and love freedom of speech. I utilize my freedom of speech when someone I don’t like gets elected. Some examples are protests, having beliefs, and being supportive of the political party I belong to. That’s why I’m thankful for freedom of speech. The history of America is interesting. For example, history and freedom of speech are interesting to me. This was how our government is formed. I’d like to be a historian someday and talk about the freedoms in America. As a result, freedom of speech is used today because of those who gave their lives for us.

The author's comments:

This is a personal story!

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