The Wonders of The World and In my Head | Teen Ink

The Wonders of The World and In my Head

November 13, 2018
By vsarmiento BRONZE, Wilmington, California
vsarmiento BRONZE, Wilmington, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

See as a grand daughter of a biology teacher I  grew up watching how the earth was formed or how we are here and why. But, daughter of a religious father and mother it is hard to believe what is in front of me.

When i was younger and i had to live with my grandparents my grandpa would tell me stories of how we got here and how we evolved. When i moved back in with my parents i started becoming more involved into the church with my mom. She would force me to go every sunday. Why wouldn't i believe in someone who is supposedly looking over us and created human and life as it is today.  But, then i go back and remember how we evolved . It both makes sense but how can ii stop the doubt that i have of how i'm here and why.

See because i was taught about both of these different beliefs it leaves me with an ocean full of wonders. Like the ocean my mind is like a little boat floating on top of these ideas.

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