The Bike Crash | Teen Ink

The Bike Crash

November 7, 2018
By Anonymous

It was a hot summer afternoon when I was ten years old.  I was out on the bike trail with my good friend, Frankled. When we arrived at the trail, Frankled's luscious hair was flapping in the wind.  My hair was not, because I had a buzz cut. As we put on our very cheap bike helmets, Frankled and I were thinking the same thing, "I want to race!"  So Frankled and I set out on a journey that neither of us would forget. After we had gone around the first turn, we were going as fast as we could. Frankled started out with an early lead, but I soon caught up to him.  I was going so fast that even my buzz cut hair was flapping in the wind! Unfortunately, I had to stop to tie my shoe so the laces wouldn't tangle with the pedals.

While I was tying my shoe Frankled overtook me.  I was far behind Frankled, but I was right on his tail after five minutes.  There was a steep hill coming up and Frankled and I roade up it. When I reached the top, my legs were super sore.  I saw that Frankled was barely in front of me and I saw the great slope ahead.

I thought to myself, “If I pedal super fast while I go down the hill I will be able to pass Frankled.”  So I pedaled as fast as my feet could. When I was halfway down the hill I felt great! It was like I was pedaling on air!  But that feeling was very misleading. I rode into the gravel on the side of the trail and received extremely painful cuts on both of my elbows and knees.

Luckily for me some random lady and her friend had to take a bathroom break. One lady gave me some bandaids for all of my cuts when she was done.  Frankled and I thanked the ladies for their help. On the ride back to the car I went very slowly and Frankled had definitely beaten me.

I couldn’t believe that I let racing Frankled blind me from seeing that Frankled and I were being reckless.        

The author's comments:

I like basketball, sports, and competive play.

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