Better Left Unsaid | Teen Ink

Better Left Unsaid

November 6, 2018
By mpamanes18 BRONZE, Wilmington, California
mpamanes18 BRONZE, Wilmington, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It sucks to think sometimes about how some things were left unsaid. Sometimes I had wished to get an explanation about why you left. Instead I am here laying in bed at 2 a.m. wondering where I went wrong. I sit here trying to put everything together and try to maybe put the puzzle pieces together but I couldn’t. I never understood why things were left like this. Did you think it was better off leaving me the way you did instead of explaining things to me? Did you think about me when you were with those other girls every other night? I could never learn to forgive you for all the heartbreak you caused me. People always ask what heartbreak felt like, and I was never able to answer until you came in the picture. It's just so crazy to me how everything seemed so perfect in the beginning. So perfect that I didn’t know what being happy really was until I met you. So perfect that I couldn’t picture life without you. You became my world and nothing less. We wanted to spend every single moment together, and it didn’t matter what we did as long as we were together. You weren’t afraid to tell me when things bothered you and most of all you always went out your way to make sure I was so happy. On my bad days you were there. On the worst and hardest days of my life when I felt like giving up, you gave me every reason not too. You promised me you would never leave my side because I made you so happy, but I guess you were wrong. With only two months of school left things began to change so much between us. You started becoming so distant and everytime I would ask you what was wrong, you responses became shorter and shorter. Now I wish you were nothing to me. You suddenly became dead to me. 

The author's comments:

The person I loved the most was the person who showed me that loving the wrong person at such a young age was one of the worst experiences. 

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