My Dear Friends | Teen Ink

My Dear Friends

November 6, 2018
By JammyGirl23 BRONZE, Sante Maria, California
JammyGirl23 BRONZE, Sante Maria, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have five dear friends. Five friends. Five best friends. I don’t have school friends, or teammates who I hang out with once a week. I have people who I will text or talk to when some random, and frankly, miniscule event happens in each others’ life. There’s the roar of teasing that comes after we complete something one other is proud of to show the sense we care for their accomplishment. When we’re together, our personalities become flashy and we draw attention in our direction. Our confidence flourishes to a different elevated state. Each one of my friends is my favorite for their own ways and how they react, and bring out a different side of me.

One of my friends I’ve known since I was three. I don't need to speak gossip with them daily and we only keep up with each other once in awhile. Their voice bellows deeper and deeper everytime I see them, and each glimpse I get of them I notice miniature changes in their appearance. The rough house we get in is coarse and gritty considering how much stronger they are than me, but it’s always been like that. People say we could be twins or siblings because of the faint similarities in our faces and attitude, but yet they always tower over me in height in such a way that we can’t be related. There’s no way I can write this without seeming creepy, but the familiar wift of their scent is comforting because I grew up with them and it lingered when they left. They’re a part of me in some aspects, and remind me of the joyous childhood I once lived.

My other friend I met in my transition to a different school. Transition from one terrible school to a great one. Their voice when grabbing my attention was faint and hushed, and I didn’t know they were standing in front of me as I was reading a book that cold December day. If I didn't hear them, they most likely would’ve walked off and we would have never became friends. Ever since that moment though, we were a key part of each other’s lives. When we’re around each other, we become a jumbled, loud mass of noise that annoys everyone. Even though we’re chaotic, my friend is always gentle and soft with their touch when it comes to friends and animals. Also, due to their different perfumes, they always smell fruity and pleasant. I always come home from their house with a different perfume on. They remind me that you’re never alone when it comes to your problems, and it’s something I’ve always needed and grateful I have.

My third friend I met not so long after my second. I knew we were gonna be friends instantly when we could easily laugh at each other with no regrets and say whatever we wanted to each other. This friend has an absolute riot of a personality. They’re loyal and confident, not caring much about what people have to say but will easily get in a fight for someone. They stick out like a large sore thumb in a crowd, considering they only wear the color black or dark grey. They’re like a dark, colorless abyss when it comes to clothing. One thing that also draws people’s attention to them is their hair, which is coarse and rough but strangely soft at the same time. It feels almost like horse hair (no offense to them). They remind me to stay strong and loyal to ones I care about, and it doesn’t matter if you show it through a rambunctious attitude or through a muted voice; that feeling of love will always be there.

My fourth friend I met through my second friend’s eventful birthday party. This friend is a mess of piercing bright colors that draw you to them like a moth to a lamp. Their cheerful, inviting voice makes you smile when you talk to them, even at the worst of days. Their chipper laugh will make you laugh along with them until your chest hurts and you’re void of any air. They always manage to turn a dark situation into a lively one. They’re also outstandingly smart, and show through their actions and amazing grades. They have this glint of joy in their bright eyes too, and they’re amazing to have around. I knew the moment we started talking that we would have many conversations throughout the year, and this theory was easily proven to be true. They also cook delicious, savory food that I adore. They remind to me to always find the happy, humorous side of the dark, grey times of life.

My fifth friend I met about a year ago via an old school friend of mine. This friend and I have video chatted, called, and texted about extremely stupid reasons during the middle of the night multiple times, and we both make each other shout in laughter. This friend I feel extremely close to as well compared to the others. Their voice, no matter what, always sounds as if they are elated. It doesn't matter if they’re upset or have a hushed, low voice. That joyful tone will ring through your ears throughout the rest of the day. They always look out for the better of people, and are very cautious and thoughtful with their actions and take everything into consideration. You would’ve never guessed they had such a kind and affectionate side of them from a first sweeping glance. It makes them more of a intricate, memorable friend that makes you want to talk to them at every hour of the lengthy day. The sight of them too is distinct as well. They dress ordinary, plain, and simple. They’re like a background character in a movie that somehow stands out. To me, I see them as a gleaming diamond with a luminous smile that brightens up the whole room. They remind me that at low times in life that feel unescapable from the pitch, black darkness, someone will come in and save you in the most unexpected way.

My friends to me are the most important thing I could have, not a cracked phone I don't need or even a pet of mine (I do love my pets a ton though), but I feel as if these people balance out everything in my life. They help me with so many things and deal with my sarcastic banter better than even my own parents. They stand with me through thick and thin, and have changed the way I look at life. Sometimes I take them for granted, but I love them all deeply, and I pray they will always be a part of my life in later years.

The author's comments:

There's not much to say about this; I needed to write a few paragraphs about sensory details for school. I needed to find something important to me to write about, and right away my friends were the first thing in my head.

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