How Pokemon Has Changed My Life | Teen Ink

How Pokemon Has Changed My Life

October 26, 2018
By ztribou21 BRONZE, Malden, Massachusetts
ztribou21 BRONZE, Malden, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Im packed with peanuts, i reeealy satisfy- Dan Avidan (Snickers commercial joke)

Back in 5th grade my esteem was at an all time low. I only had 1 close friend, and that was enough to help me through. We were all annoying, immature kids, and we liked to swear and call each other straight up cruel names. My 5th grade year was during a time where gay marriages were being fought against/ for, and then a kid called me Gay and I was triggered. I was fine with being called short, mentally impaired, emo, but the word gay really triggered me. The way I vented against the kid was perfect because I had no regrets, and still do not. I applaud myself because I didn’t attack the kid physically, but mentally.

Back in 5th grade I didn't have a phone, which prevented me to be like the cool kids and it left me out of a lot of things, but one kid named Ryan who had been friends with both me and the bully the previous year/s. Ryan was literally so close to me that we started to looked the same clothes wise, and we both looked like siblings and had the same birthmarks, except he was tall, popular, well liked, and more. He was the only reason I didn't beat the daylights out of the bully. After that Ryan despised the bully with a burning passion and always hung out with me after that. We played Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii online, which brought us together to form brotherly bonds.

That year in 5th grade, pokemon X and Y came out with/for the 3ds. Ryan and me were so hyped because all we had was the old original pokemon games, and those were the only pokemon games we had so we were so ecstatic to finally play online together. That christmas we both got our 3ds systems and every day after school we hung out to battle, trade, and talk about the game. The next year pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire came out and we repeated the same thing, somehow never getting stale. We continued the cycle and played more and more games like Luigi’s mansion and became even closer.

You could say we had a bromance. Ryan and I looked closer related than actual brother (stepbrother) and also my real brother(dead). But sadly that bond was broken up because his grandparents were dying and he had to move to Tyngsborough. We still communicated through skype, discord, and now snapchat. My life would of been ruined, but I had gone through this before because every year I had lost a best friend. I have lost about 10 now. Lemme list off a few, Cody, Carlos(neighbor), Quentin, Nico, Niko(gymnastic friend), Ryan, Carlos, Kevin.

After being emotionally scarred way too many times I put my foot down and declared that we have to still communicate and so we did. Every summer I go over his house, and ever February or spring break he visits my house. With the release of new games each year, we continue to play, and this winter I am waiting for the release of Pokemon Lets Go Eevee to continue our everlasting bond. I am proud of myself to of stood up to a bully and fight through the rough times and hope all of you can too

The author's comments:

Pokemon is more than a game it is my hero

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