Party Night | Teen Ink

Party Night

October 25, 2018
By Anonymous

My name is jay I am a normal 18 year old lightskin boy who lives in Detroit and likes to go have fun and chill. Last week on Saturday morning I decided to go to a hotel room with my brother that we were invited to that night.We both agreed  on leaving around 10 pm that night so when we walked in the room people would see us come in, basically all eyes on us.When we got there we walked in the room and there were only 2 guys and 3 females in the room.I asked where is everybody at and they said down the street at coney island and I said ok.Me and Dior walked outside and got in the whip and was just sitting there chilling until we seen them come back to the room.

I say about 30 mins went by annd i saw them walking back to the room.So we got out and went through the back entrance because we didnt feel like walking to the front because we were tired.And plus we had the key card to get in.We all meet at the room at the same time and thde girls were just looking at us like dangggg he fine but they didnt  say it even tho I know they wanted to because they all were staring hard.We all went inside the room and i was just sitting there not knowing what to do because the girls was just sitting there talking about whatever but then I got up and said come on and play some music and dance around or something.And then Dior's auntie walked in the room and said yall hype i should have came earlier.

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I don't enjoy writing stories

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