The Lesson | Teen Ink

The Lesson

October 25, 2018
By Anonymous

People say that imitation is the best form of flattery.  I never realized how much of an impression I make on her.  I learned that my little sister does everything that I do and I should be careful about what I do and say around her.  

I remember the time I was home watching TV peacefully almosts close from falling asleep. Then I hear a loud knock at the door. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. I get up from the couch and walk in front of the door and open it. Right when I open the door I look at my mom and it's her holding on to my sisters hand with a angry look on her face. Right when they walk threw the door my sister runs to her room. “What happened,” I asked my mom. “She got in trouble in day care again and I have to go to work so you’re going to have to watch her,” my mom said to me. “ okay thats fine ill watch her” I said. “Try and talk to her about why she keeps acting up in daycare, and don't let her get out of that chair too” my mom said.

So you see we have this chair I also used when I was little when I got in trouble I would have to sit on a chair facing the wall until I think about my lesson and until my mom says I could get out of the chair. That's what's happening to my sister except I'll have to talk to her about why she continues being bad in day care.

My mom leaves to go to work and my sister is sitting on the cair with a sad look on her face. I go sit near where she is sitting and talk to her about why she was being bad. “How come you were being bad in school today?” I said to my sister. She doesn't say anything. Every time me, my mom, or her father ask her why she's bad in school she doesn't want to answer. We think because my mom and her father are no longer together that must be the reason she continues to be bad in day care.

“You have to promise me to be a good girl in school tomorrow Okay?” I said to my sister. “Toria is a girl good girl in school you need to be a good girl too” I said again to her to help her understand. And then I realized myself that everything she does she learns off me or our mom. She does or says everything I do and from that day on I be very careful what I do and say around her. The next day, my mom tells me that she was a very good girl the next day that she was listening to the teachers, not being loud in daycare and me and my mom were very proud of her and she was also proud of herself.   

As you can see, I’m a very fiesty person, sometimes aggressive and some people ask why I’m so mean.  I now know that people should be careful how they act around their siblings.

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