A Different Kind of Bedtime Monster | Teen Ink

A Different Kind of Bedtime Monster

October 25, 2018
By Anonymous

The frustrated voices of Mommy and Daddy amplified throughout my room. I opened my groggy eyes and listened intently, fearful that they would come upstairs and find me awake. Mom said I had to sleep the whole night tonight, and I had pinky-promised I would do just that. She would have been upset if she had known I wasn’t sleeping. The dark was already scary enough, being full of ghosts and all, and the sharp voices echoing through my room were making it even worse.

I couldn’t leave my bed. Who knows what could have been under it, ready to grab my feet? Hopefully, the ghosts were scared away by the yelling, but it was quite possible that they were still there, patiently waiting to pounce. The faint glow of my night light was too dim to risk it. I adjusted my stiff body, allowing my pink comforter to serve as my bodyshield and wishing I had a helmet as well.

Interrupting my quizzical thoughts, the door swung open and slammed against the door stopper, and a dull light from the hallway illuminated my room. My stomach turned. My breaths were quick but hushed, and I squeezed my eyes together, praying over and over that it was Mommy or Daddy and not a monster.

Eyes still shut, I felt a wisp of cool air against my legs as someone carefully lifted my cover, crawling into my twin bed and lying down next to me. I felt a shoulder touch mine as the figure and I both lied motionlessly. I hesitantly cracked open one eye, looked to my left, and relaxed my chest. A long sigh escaped me; it was only Jack. My breathing slowed, and I released my clenched, sweaty palms. His brown, watering eyes looked into mine, and his tears soaked into my pillow, making my cheeks feel cold. He whispered, “I think Mom and Dad are going to get a divorce.” What did that mean, a divorce? I didn’t ask; I had always wanted Jack to think I was as smart as he was. His short arms reached around my shoulders and squeezed my small body. My eyes began to repeatedly flutter open and close involuntarily, and my shoulders rested. My big brother held me, and I listened peacefully to his slow breathing that seemed to block out the voices. I knew Mommy was going to smile when I told her the next day that I had slept through the night. Of course Jack helping me would be a forever-kept secret. Mom still doesn’t know.

Everytime Jack has bothered me, I have remembered this moment–when I realized he would always care for me. I have remembered that he is my brother, friend, and protection. Moving from city to city and familiarizing ourselves with our new family dynamic are just two of the countless obstacles we have endured together. Without him, I would not know the importance of physically being there for someone in times of despair. I would not comprehend the vast impact of a simple hug. I would not know what a brother’s love is.

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