Hairs | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By Merby1238 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Merby1238 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My friends personalities. Dominic personality is very laid back meaning he doesn't want to ever really do anything that requires him to leave his house, unless it's  going to a Brewer or Packer game good luck, because trying to get him to leave his house is like trying to get a lazy dog to fetch a stick, it's just impossible. Jack has a very lazy personality but has a very strong work ethic. He plays Arrowhead football for the Dline and will hit you like a Bulldozer if you come near. He also hits his couch and Xbox like a Bulldozer and goes on what he calls video game grinds. Sam has a very lazy personality as well. Like Jack Sam plays football but the difference is that Jack does stuff during practice and Sam just sits around watching people practice like a dove on a wire. Sam does not do anything except for some homework and eat food.

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