My Worst Addiction | Teen Ink

My Worst Addiction

October 19, 2018
By slimprada BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
slimprada BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Jessica age 18 from Wilmington, De.I am junior in high school I’m here to tell you my story and how I never gave up. My graduation year was suppose to be 2018, that didn’t quite work out . School was never really a problem with me but once you hang out with certain people , everything changes. Freshman year I was on the cheer team. Being on the cheer team ,you get to hang out with upperclassmen. Boys in your face , girls wanting to be your friend just for the popularity. I got to hooked by hanging out with the cheer team and football players .I went to parties every Friday and Saturday night. I thought it was cool in the popular group at the age of 14.

            After 2 to 3 months I saw a major drop in my grades. Not only that but my supposed friends “cheer team “ shut me out ,because I became friends with their senior friends . So I learned don’t to don’t always trust those amongst you,and everyone was a bad influence but i was so young at the time I didn’t see it. I started smoking because everyone around me kept doing it. People say smoking marijuana doesn’t effect you, trust me guys it does . It’s like when you first try a piece of cheese cake ,the first Bite you take , your hooked. Who doesn’t love cheesecake you know ,something like that you constantly want more. I think that marijuana was what got me all unfocused. I became too attached to it to the point where it became a daily routine and I slowly stopped caring about school .
Spring of 2015 approached and I was still a freshman but closely becoming to be a sophomore . Yet still smoking even more than ever . Walking out of school was the easiest thing ever and not getting caught. How does that make any student feel and or act ? Outrages ! Everyone started walking out etc . Summer hits you smack in the face as fast as you know it boom freshman year is now over . More parties , now everyone would say “it’s time to get lit “ .
Summer 2015 the smoking became a part of me . The parties became larger the friend group expanded and yet still i’m not learning my lesson . I’m still young now 15, you’d think I would be a little more mature ,but no i’m even worse now . I got my first car right before sophomore season not many kids have that privilege . Everyone was so excited that one of their “friends “ had a car what does that mean? School tardies dunking runs ,wawa runs . Let me not leave out what we called the “wake and bake “ something known as smoking shortly after waking up right before school . It kept getting worse to the point I knew I needed some sort of help .
Spring 2016 junior year my smoking still didn’t get any better I tried stopping , I asked for help when I didn’t get help I took matters into my own hands . At school everyone noticed I still would smoking everyday nearly twice before school that was bad ,everyone started calling me a “junkie “ . Its just marijuana right? That affected me very badly. You know were this would all lead .... I dropped out of school at 16 . My parents didn’t notice because I was smart. I changed the emergency contacts to my number . I found a job shortly after I dropped out I started working over 45 hours each week while getting payed under the table at $10 an hour for a 16 year old that’s a lot of money ,especially while I was getting payed weekly . I no longer smoked I was to attached to working ,I became a “workaholic “ yeah that was me. Boom! senior year comes along time flies ,now my friends are graduating walking that stage and I am not because I choose the wrong path. I didn’t learn this until everyone was graduating at the bob carpenter center. The feeling was terrible but amusing at the same time ,seeing them walk made me realize I want to get back in school and re do my years. So now here I am doing better than ever High B’s and A’s . No longer smoking nor getting associated with the wrong people . I became junior class treasurer to represent my class. I’m Super excited to know that I messed up pasted years and now I’m making it’s up and being better than ever ! This is my addictive story and I learned that anything and everything can be better than being addictive to something bad .

Jessica Velazquez-Bedolla
Block 8
Non fiction




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