Have you ever lost someone close to you? | Teen Ink

Have you ever lost someone close to you?

October 19, 2018
By johnny06 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
johnny06 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a good friend?. Not just a good friend because you find that in everyone, But a good friend as in your childhood friend from the day you both were born until life had different plans. Okay now this was me and one of my cousins that lived just a couple of blocks away from me. We used to just joke at everything and take life as a breeze.

This was possibly the last time i could say i have had actual fun with someone and enjoyed it. Also someone so close to me such as my cousin who knows mostly everything about me and i know the same thing about him.This has hit me harder than any other family death because of how close we were to each other.Also all of the memories we shared of us playing around and planning our future.He was a good person and had a good mindset while growing up and had known what he had to do to achieve his dream. We was always outside and was known in the area for our jokes and how chill we was with everyone even other from other neighborhoods.

We was big basketball fans and used to go to Madison Square Garden to watch the New york Knicks or closer to home to the barclay Center to see the Brooklyn Nets play. Also we would stay over at each others house almost every weekend and just stay up late and play video games.This is times that i can never forget, because of how close we were and how good we was to each other. Also we would go to the movies a lot, we would see a lot of comedies because that was our favorite category.


This at the end of the day affected me so much because I was lost for words. So I ask you how would you feel if someone you did everything with and planned your life with, One day leaves your presence and you are left with nothing? Imagine all the tears and memories you have to wash down the drown. That’s what I had to go through knowing and growing closer to someone from the age of birth till I was 15 years old. I had got a call one day and found out that my cousin had died due to being hit during an active shootout. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time and he got hit and couldn't be saved. This was possibly the worst day in my life as of yet.

So just Imagine what I had to go through at such a young age and what heart broken I was to see my own cousin in a casket. This hurt me so much just as it would hurt anyone else that has gone through the same. So I just wanted to share this heartbreaking story that till this day still affects me. I would like to see and read anyone else’s story or experience with something like this.

The author's comments:

This is about me tragically losing my closest cousin.

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