My Lowest Point | Teen Ink

My Lowest Point

October 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Depression is “the feeling of severe despondency and dejection”. Imagine waking up every morning and going through the whole day feeling so worthless, like you’ll never really be able to become something in life. Like you’ll never be able to be up to your parents standards or someone of importance in your life.

I have been in some pretty traumatizing events in my life. I still remember my dad leaving and not coming back till years later. I remember watching my mom be beaten by people who “love” her. Each time all I could do was just watch because of how small I was. My dad leaving just made me feel like neither me or my brothers were even good enough for him to just stick around. Not being able to help my mother just made me feel like i was helpless or worthless. There are so many things I wish I could've done differently looking back at events like that now that I am older.

When i would try to talk to people i would get responses like ¨get over it¨ or ¨you´ll be fine¨. Those were people i trusted and thought i could talk to without being worried about being judged or have my problems just thrown to the side like its nothing. Over time i would keep trying to talking to friends but they would just push themselves away and that is when I realized I needed to see a professional. I started to see a therapist but at first i was unsure about and didn’t really want to see him. I started to talk to my therapist and get more comfortable with them.

Depression is a very serious issue and shouldn’t just be ignored. It should be handled with care and patience because it can really mess your head up. Always try your best to be there for someone that may need to talk to someone when they are feeling down.

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