how can teens positively use social media | Teen Ink

how can teens positively use social media

October 9, 2018
By kwooderson BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
kwooderson BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media is so popular now a days, most to younger people. Teenagers, like myself, use all kinds of social medias we can get ahold of. For most teens, social media is a preferred tool when we communicate with our friends, family, and share about ourselves. Some of the most popular social medias used are snapchat, instagram, facebook, and twitter.

Me personally i love my phone for some reason when its not beside me or i lose it i tend to freak out. I use snapchat all the time i would much rather just text on snapchat than imessages anyday. And i don't seem to answer my imessages as fast as i do with my snapchat. When i'm bored and have nothing else i need to do i always seem to watch youtube or look at instagram. When i get focused into instagram sometimes i look at randoms peoples pages and end up on my friends cousins best friends moms dogs page somehow. But i think i love snapchat more than instagram. I do believe that i get distracted pretty easily. Especially from homework. If im doing homework and texting my friends at the same time i usually end up just texting my friends and forgetting i have homework until im sitting in class and they ask to turn in the homework, sadly my phone wont get me out of that situation.  


You need to watch, post, and  look at stuff you would show your grandparents that's what my mom always told me. If you are wanting to use social media positively you should watch what you post on there, because it could affect your future and future jobs. Don’t bully and/or harass anyone ever you should spread positivity not bring anyone down ever. I think one of my favorite things is when my friends comment how pretty i look in something, it’s very uplifting and sweet, it can really boost your self esteem. Mean comments can really hurt and although you are able to delete stuff and comments they like 50% of the time will keep posting or commenting it again because it’s funny to them and they don't realize how much it actually hurts.


Deana thinks it's stupid but she still uses it. She hates snapchat. Takes up to much time. But she loves twitter. She talks to people she's never met in real life but knows them so well.  

Rylee: she likes it because gets more contact with her friends and it's easier stay in touch and know what people are doing. Bad parts of social media takes up time, it's become like a constant thing with everyone.

Having a phone and social media can also be a really good thing such as communicating with distant relatives or friends. Games when your bored.  If your advertising something new online to get the business going can be great, people can write good reviews and more people will come. Meeting new people is another one. You can use it to advocate for social causes or social changes. Like the “Me Too” movement or the things with cops or how you feel about politics. If you feel strongly about something happening in the world you can post your opinion. Way to connect with other people that feel the same as you.  

But having a phone and social media  can be a bad thing if your looking for a job they will most likely find something you posted bad from like years ago you hoped nobody would see. Internet post can't really ever go away even when you think it deleted. Anyone can easily make a fake account of you and it could really hurt your future as well. Sometimes social media lowers people's self esteem or can cause can cause depression sometimes because you try to compare yourself to someone you feel is prettier than you or looks better. You shouldn't though you should love yourself. Like me it affects your school work if you are to focused on social media or texting your friends. Although you can use it to advocate for social causes or social changes this can also be a very bad thing and cause a lot of drama or troubles if people don’t agree with what you have said.


You can be very influenced with stuff on social media. So you should really watch what your watching on social media. Almost 90% of american teens say they use at least 2 social media sites. A lot of teens say that the two sites they use the most are instagram and snapchat. Other research has found that pressure from social media might be linked to an increased risk of depression and anxiety.  There's an app called “netsanity” parents can use if they feel their teens are using the phone to much.

Social media have opened the world to teens that no generation has ever had before. Your not even limited to just people around you or in your town you can call or text or see anyone around the whole world! As a parent’s perspective my mother said “ i do think that it is important for teens to know the dangers of having all those freedoms at their fingertips. As long as a parent sets good boundaries and talks with their children about the importance of the social media and privacy the tool and be useful or it can cause serious problems.

The author's comments:

i wrote this because i am a teen who uses social media and this topic interested me. 

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