Vaping | Teen Ink


October 5, 2018
By Anonymous

We all done crazy stuff or mistakes we regret later in our lives. Somethings just stay in your mind and follows you in your life. You could take a look back later and say  “ why did i do that “ or “ i was so stupid “ and laugh at it , but over all you’ve learn your lesson. I remember one mistake in particular , which is my favorite due to what i learned from it. This mistake was vaping in school.

Like every other morning i was at school with a group of friends. Me and this one friend Jenn , were talking about vaping pens. I said , “ have you heard about the vaping pens?” she said “yeah we should try it ‘’. A week had passed and she brought a vaping pen to school. We were like should we try it or go after school to one of our houses. But it couldn’t be in my house case my momma was home and she was strict on all that and her mom as well.

Jenn and i had p.e. together we was in the locker rooms changing and all and Jenn said, “ let’s try it right now? ” and i said , “ alright eff it “. And so we did we was vaping in the locker rooms. There was two girls just starting and us and whispering but nothing had happened at the moment.

At this moment it was lunch time and we went to the restrooms and yess yess ! everything started from there. We was vaping , the bell rang , we went back to class. Few minutes later the principal and two other people come and calls Jenn outside. At this point i was hella nervous and i was thinking like “what’s gonna happen”. Ten minutes later they come back and call me outside. In my head i was like “ man what’s gonna happen “.

After all of this  i had to call my mama and tell her everything that happened. She was so disappointed because that was the one thing she told me not to do. She would always tell me “ mija no fumes” which means don’t be smoking , “no uses drogas ni nada de eso “ in other words don't use drugs and none of that . Also whenever my mother is sad i don’t know why but i just get sad to so this really did hit me. She was disappointed and i was disappointed on myself to for letting her down.This is when i started to acknowledge that i had messed up.

Due to this mistake tho i’ve learned a lesson. This lesson was don’t do dumb shit  you’ll regret later especially in school. Why? Because it can go on your record and follow you for a stupid decision you’ve made. With this being said you can go look for a job and they can assume something really quick for a mistake of your pass.

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