Karma | Teen Ink


October 5, 2018
By Anonymous

I walked in my house coming from my middle school at the time called toby middle school thinking I was the hot cheetos because i was talking to these girls named Jessie and angel that were talking while i was behind them listening to music then out of nowhere I hear jessie saying “KWALI”.

At the top of her lungs and i'm just walkin acting like i don't hear her listening to my music she stops in front of me and says “i like you”. And i got so embarrassed with a good adrenaline and ran home. And see my mom friends son watching tom and jerry and he was eating a banana. So I walked past him to get a drink of water and came back and seen a little of tom and jerry before i had did something crazy and seen that the cat was chasing the rat and the rat made it to his home in the hole. Then I here “Kwali” I look around eyes wide open like i was in trouble then quickly notest it was my mom calling.

So i ran to my mom and asked what's wrong she responded with her left eye brow up next time let me know when you make it i responded ok my i will then i ran to the little kid watching tom and jerry and slapped him in his head and ran and slipped on the pitch black banana then broke my big toe on the corner of the wall and started to yell like a parent that had lost their child. Mom ran in yelling and kept on saying to me “WTF”.

Then i passed out then woke up in my bed with a pillow under my feet.And yelled i hate that brat at the top of my lungs. Ever since then I try not to be an ass hole or karma is gonna hit you hard.

The author's comments:

Learn from your mistakes

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