Trazzyy Week | Teen Ink

Trazzyy Week

October 5, 2018
By Anonymous

My favorite mistake was when me and my cousins was playing ding dong ditch and me and me and my big cousin decided instead of knock on the door we was gone kick the door so when me and my cousin walk up to the door we kick the door as hard as we can and we ended up kicking in there door in and the people who lived there ran out slide as soon as we kick it and when we ran off they started chasing us around the apartment.and then one of the guys got my big cousin and was holding him and calling the police and mee and my other cousin got away and hide behind a bush for a long time and eventually the police came with 3 police cars and a helicopter telling us to come out and eventually by other cousin went out but i stayed because i was the youngest and i sit right there for a good 5 min.

Then i look and i seen the police talking to my cousin and then next thing i know my mom yelled!!! out my name telling me to come eat and when i hear that i jump up and hop the gate hekka fast but then the police end up seeing me and following me back to my house with my cousin and them in the car and when i got in the house. Then i told my aunt and my mom that the police are chasing me and the they got my cousin in them in the car with them and then next thing you know the police knock on the door.

Then my aunt open it and then they asked my mom and aunt to come outside to talk them and the the police told my aunt that they met go to jail and then my aunt lost it and told them that there not taking her son to jail and too let them go and then the police told her too calm down we going too let them go this time but next time they are taking them to jail then the police got in the car and drive away then we went in the house and laughed and we talk about what we did then we eat and went home and that was it.

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