Friends Come and Go | Teen Ink

Friends Come and Go

October 4, 2018
By Anonymous

Friends come and go

      “Fight! Fight!”

Everyone was yelling but nothing happened.We stood still.we kept looking at each other.Standing 5 minutes, still nothing! The teacher came in when the bell rang and she said “what are you guys doing!” We all sat down and said “nothing.”

But wait let me take you 8 hours before all this happened!

              “What up bro,” said Colin, “we playing soccer today at recess?”

             “Yeah,” I said.

We went outside after lunch .We ran out to the soccer field it was a warm, hot day it was so humid we thought we were going to die.We thought it was over for us but luckily we scored the last goal,and we won but then, my friend Colin came and told me

   “Hey bro mike is talking bad about you,your best friend!”

in my mind I thought why would he do that to me we have been friends since 2nd grade we have gone to Harrison since 1st grade.


      “Time to go inside guys.” Mrs.Walker said.

  “Hey mike what have you been up to.”

       “nothing did you have a test today”

        “Yes I did for math” I said. Mike Is an average person we have been friends since 1st grade until today.

    We entered our classroom and Colin told me “Those were the kids mike was with talking bad about you!”

      “Hey I know them it’s those kids that got us into trouble.” I said to Colin.

    “Dude know I remember, we got in trouble because of them they were bullying your brother and we got into a fight with them!” Colin said.

      “yeah but they said that they were not doing anything and they believe them   luckily we didn’t get into any trouble.” I said.

  “so what should we do?” Colin said to me.

   “I don’t know but i am not trying to get into trouble anymore,but we need to do something”

    “should we just leave him alone and don’t talk to him?” Colin said.

    “Yea we should just stop talking to him.” I said.

In my mind, I thought to myself should I  go beat him up. but I can’t because that is bad and the teacher is there but either way why does it matter I would not do that. but I felt mad because why would my friend since 2nd grade do that to me?

I went to the bathroom,washed my hands and left back to the classroom.  we were half way through the day i went back to the classroom but the teacher was not in the classroom. So I went to Colin and we started talking until mike came in and he pushed me and I told him

      “do you want to fight or what!” I said to him.

I got up and he got ready and told me

    “yes,or you afraid.” He said to me.

We looked at each other and we kept looking at each other waiting for someone to throw a punch,everyone said


We waited five minutes and still nothing in my mind I said to myself why would he want to fight me if he was not going to do anything? Everyone kept yelling “FIGHT! FIGHT!”

but still nothing.the teacher came and yelled

    “Hey what are you guys doing!”

   “Nothing”we said.


  Luckily the bell rang and we left after all this we never spoke to each other looked at one another and our friendship was over, but Colin told me

  “It’s alright friends come and go.” Colin said.

 “Yeah they do” I said

I said to myself why would he talk bad about me we have been friends since 2nd grade and I felt sad but I never saw him again after that year. He moved and we never saw each other again.

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