My Life Changing Experience | Teen Ink

My Life Changing Experience

October 2, 2018
By rafeay BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
rafeay BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cloudy morning, no sunlight to be seen. It was the first day of second grade. The mood in the classroom was something I did not expect, everyone is getting along on the first day. I sat next to a boy that was right about my size. We had an instant connection in our first conversation. His name was Nedzad, he was a nice kid with almost the same exact personality as me. Even though it was our first day of meeting each other, we somehow got sent to the principal’s office. From that point in the time, we have been best friends ever since.


Nedzad and I got sent to the office for the most absurd reason. We got sent to the office for “assaulting” some random kid. Nedzad and I were so confused on why we were there. All we did was shove the kid to the ground and kicked him for taking my gushers. That’s the normal way to solve things in second grade, right? Well our sorry excuse for a teacher did not think so. She made the rest of second grade the most miserable year in elementary school for us.


Over the years Nedzad and I remained good friends. Together we have a myriad of memories of our egregious behavior in the past. Every single one of those memories somehow strengthened out friend ship, didn’t matter if it was good or bad. The most humorous and life changing memory of all was when our friend Bijan’s window was broken because of Jonathon. It was funny in the way that somehow, we always end up breaking something around or at Bijan’s house. All you could see when the window broke was bundles of glass shards flying in the air like they were superman. After they came to rest all that was visible was sharp point shards on the ground giving you the sensation just by looking at them they were piercing through your skin. It changed our lives by Bijan’s mom decided that we can’t be friends with Jonathon anymore. Jonathon would always give us rides places. So, after that episode meeting up with each other got more challenging in the sense we didn’t have a ride to go places.


Therefore, that is to say that Nedzad and I somehow and in some way have influenced each other into who we are as people today. The saying that says you are the same person as the people you hang around with is basically true in this friendship. Meeting him changed my life, by giving me a friend that I can turn too and not be judged. In my opinion friendships like that are priceless. Ever since we have met we have been best friends and will continue to be in the future.

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